2022 Release Notes
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    2022 Release Notes

    • Dark

    Article summary

    December 2022

    November 2022

    October 2022

    September 2022

    August 2022

    July 2022

    June 2022

    May 2022

    • Ability to Turn On and Off Rules on Models
    • Testery.io Integration
    • Importing of library variables in Robot Framework
    • UI rework of Data Painter screen within the modeller screen. Includes GUI for list selection
    • Added flag "Post Resolve on Variables" to Model Properties
    • Model validation extends to rules on models
    • Warning on reloading of model to save if there are changes

    April 2022

    March 2022

    February 2022

    January 2022

    • Model error messages only displayed for the latest version of a model
    • Cache busting - no more hard reloading when an update is deployed
    • UI updates and modernisation
    • Application & components - a method for organising and grouping projects into more meaningful structures which align with your applications
    • Ability to copy a list
    • Project tree is now searchable and contains favourite projects
    • Create and maintain sequences within modeller
    • Execute VIP flow against Data Dictionary table(s)