User Concurrency Explained
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    User Concurrency Explained

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    Article Summary

    In this feature page, we’re going to cover how concurrency for Test Modeller users works.

    In the example workspace below, there is 1 concurrent license available for the company to use and 4 users within the workspace who are able to consume that 1 concurrent license.

    In the screenshot below, the third user in the list is taking the seat, meaning that they are currently consuming the 1 concurrent license. This seat refreshes every 30 minutes to allow other users access to the workspace, if required a user can be removed from the seat by an admin user.

    Note: Curiosity representatives (e.g. will not take up seats when they access workspaces.

    If a workspace user attempts to join a workspace with no available seats, they will receive the following message.

    If there are issues with how concurrency is working in your workspace, please contact your Curiosity representative.