Get Started with Quality Modeller
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    Get Started with Quality Modeller

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    Article summary

    Test Modeller is a browser-based solution that enables users to:

    1. Model a system under test as BPMN-style flowcharts;
    2. Automatically generate test cases from the model, optimising testing for time and risk;
    3. Define test data at the model-level and generate data at the same time as test cases;
    4. Define test automation, automatically executing tests generated in Test Modeller;
    5. Analyse test results and manage existing artefacts, with visual dashboards and a file management system that introduces traceability between test assets.

    This quick start guide provides an overview for new users of the core principles and functionality needed to model a simple system under test, generating a set of functional test cases to "cover" all the distinct logic it contains.

    The guide further provides instruction on how to generate test data with which to execute every test generated, and how to execute the test cases automatically. A separate subsection includes using the Test Modeller Explorer, a browser extension for quickly scraping web objects and recording test actions. These objects and actions can then be overlaid over the model of the system under test, quickly generating automated tests with which to test UIs rigorously.

    The goal is to equip the reader with the working knowledge needed to rigorously test their own systems. With Test Modeller, this means automatically generating complete test suites from models that are quick to build and easy to maintain.

    There are two ways to install Test Modeller – Community Cloud or On-Premise. Check out the installation documentation here.

    Get Started