TestRail integration
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    TestRail integration

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    Article summary

    This describes how to link Quality Modeller (QM) to TestRail, using the TestRail Integration Connector. This will allow you to import data from TestRail and export tests you have built in QM into TestRail. 

    It is aimed at users of QM who have access to a TestRail instance.


    • Your company TestRail base URI

    • A valid TestRail username.  This will be the email address of your user

    • A TestRail API Key (the appendix includes details on how to obtain this in TestRail)

    Setting up the connection

    On the left hand menu of the Curiosity Dashboard:

    • Click connectors, in the Management section.

    • Click the Add Connection button (Top right of the screen).

    • In the Configuration dialog box, fill in the fields as listed in the Configuration dialog box fields section.

    • Click save or cancel to save or discard the new connection.

    Configuration dialog box fields




    This checks the URL is a valid one in the connection field


    dismiss this  dialog box without saving


    Save the new connection.
    Note that any error message that prevents it being saved will appear as a popup message on the top right of the page.

    Details tab

    This tab allows you to choose the connector type and name it.



    Connector Type

    This is a drop-down list that can be filtered by typing.
    Select the TestRail Connector Type

    Profile Name

    The name for your connection


     Toggle this option ON to make this connection visible to other Workspace users. By default, it is OFF

    Connection tab

    This tab allows you to set the configuration for the TestRail connection




    The base URL for your TestRail instance.


    The email address of the user.

    API Key

    The TestRail API Key.
    Note: see the section: Creating a TestRail API Key, if you do not already have a key.

    Project Key

    A drop down list of the available projects in TestRail.
    Note: You must click the refresh button to retrieve the list of projects available.

    Issue Type

    A drop down list of the issue types/suites available in TestRail for the selected project.
    Note: When you select/update the Project Key, you must click the refresh button to retrieve the list of available issue types.

    Refresh button

    Field Mappings tab

    This tab allows you to map TestRail fields, either to a fixed value or to a Model field.

    There are a number of different types of field types available in TestRail and these are listed in the mapped field type section.

    If new fields are required, then these should be added in your TestRail application and then they can be imported into QM.

    Note: any changes made here on an existing connector will be saved to the connector, even if the cancel button is clicked.



    Click this to add a field that is not set up in TestRail, but will only be used in modeller.


    Click this to refresh the list of fields from those in TestRail.

    Field (column)

    The label in TestRail for the field.

    System Name (column)

    The System Name in TestRail for the field.


    If checked then the field is marked as required in TestRail and so cannot be deleted.

    Export Value

    The value of the field that will be exported with the tests.


    Locked: You set a fixed value for this field in the Export value field.  This cannot be altered when exporting the tests into TestRail.

    Unlocked: This allows the value of the field to be mapped to a model/path field value. In this scenario, the 'Export value' column contains a drop-down list of the available modeller/path value names that you can choose. The following values will have a second field, as follows:

    • ChatGPT Template - this allows you to select a value from the AI prompts list.  You can see this list  by opening the menu: 

      • management -> Workspace-> configuration on the Generative AI Prompts tab

    • Export Override - this allows you to set a default value here, but the value is available to be overridden when you export the tests.


    Delete the field mapping.
    Note: this is not available for Variables marked as required in TestRail.

    Mapped value field types

    A list of the currently available field types in TestRail

    Field Type


    Sample Values


    Used to enter/store a boolean value.

    Checked is true.



    Used to enter/store a date value.

    Click the field to show the drop-down date picker. 

    The date will appear in the field in MM/DD/YYYY format.



    Used to allow choice of one option from a list of options.

    Click the field to display the dropdown and then click an option to select it.



    Used to enter/store an integer number.



    A drop-down list, used to allow choice of a milestone from the milestones of the current project.

    Click the field to display the dropdown and then click an option to select it.



    Used to allow choice of multiple options from a list.

    Click the field to show the drop-down menu and click options to select them or the x to deselect them.

    option1 option2 option5


    Used to enter/store a single line text value.



    Used to enter/store a multi-line text value.


    Url (Link)

    Used to enter/store a web address. This can be a public internet address or a local intranet web page.



    A drop-down list, used to select a user from a list of users in the TestRail installation.

    Click the field to display the dropdown and then click an option to select it.

    Note: only admin users can access user IDs inside of TestRail

    Gloria Lopez

    Exporting tests

    • On the Scenarios window of your model, click the Export button. This will display the Exports dialog.

    • Click the 'Test Cases' option. This will allow you to specify where the test scenarios should be exported to.

    • Fill in the Export Test Scenarios dialog.  The fields and buttons are listed below.



    Connector Profile

    A dropdown list of available connection profiles (this is set up in Setting up the connection).  This should select your TestRail Connection.

    Exports tab

    Details of the location for the test scenarios export.

    Custom Parameters tab

    The fields that can be altered on export.  These are fields where the Export Value is set to 'Export Override', see the Field Mappings tab section.

    Edit Existing

    Yes: update scenarios in an existing folder in TestRail.
    No: create a new folder in TestRail for these test scenarios.

    New Folder/Folder list

    Dependant on value of 'Edit Existing'.
    Yes: this is a drop down list of existing folders in TestRail.
    No: this is a text box so you can give a new folder name to add to TestRail.


    Cancel this action.


    Back to the previous screen which allows you to choose the export type.


    Export the scenarios.

    • Once the fields are filled in appropriately, click the execute button.


    Creating a TestRail API Key

    If you do not already have an API key for TestRail, you can generate one:

    1. Open your TestRail dashboard and open My Settings

    2. Select the API KEYS tab

    3. Click Add Key and enter a name for the key

    4. Click generate Key

    5. Securely record the generated key, as it is only visible when generated and cannot be retrieved afterwards.

    Note that in order to be able to generate an API key, your TestRail user has to be enabled to use it on the TestRail Administration dashboard →side panel → Site Settings → API