Code Template

    Code Template

    Article summary

    Document details


    To help you understand the usage and set up of code templates within test automation so that you can amend existing ones to fit your environment or create new ones.


    Anyone using Quality Modeller to generate automated tests.


    Access to the Curiosity Dashboard.


    When you generate and export code in order to automate the running of your tests, the generated code needs to be created. So it is based on a series of templates (code templates) for the particular language, test type and environment for your project.

    For example, to test a website you can use the Quality Modeller Web Extension to record interactions with the web page which you can import into Quality Modeller. The code that is generated from this is based on the  Automation framework, which in turn uses the framework code templates. These templates are set up to use the Curiosity cloud environment to analyse the web page. However if you have a secure environment, then you will want to use your own environment to analyse your pages.  Hence you will need to create a new framework based on code templates you have updated to suit your environment.

    Code templates are a group of template items that may be code snippets and template files that are pieced together by Quality Modeller to create automation code. There are templates for creating the test cases (referred to below as Test Cases or code) and others that produce the methods used to build tests (referred to below as Page Objects), for example a web page or an API interface.  One or more of these template types will be packaged together as a Framework, which will be the basis of your project, if you are going to automate your tests. Typically a Framework will have page object templates and test case templates. Additionally, you can configure the framework to save your tests to a repository tool library.   You can use the pre-existing templates as a basis to create templates that fit with your environment.

    The rest of this document will show you how to navigate the screens linked to code templates and how to set up new templates and frameworks.

    Code template configuration screen

    This is the main screen that acts as a starting point for your interaction with the code templates and frameworks.

    In order to navigate to this screen:

    • On the left hand menu select:

      • Management section → Workspace (expanded) → Configuration

    • On the table select:

      • Code Template tab

    This page contains two tables, Automation Frameworks and Code Templates, which are detailed below.

    Automation Frameworks table

    This lists the frameworks that are available.  

    When a Project is created, the type of project chosen will determine the framework that is used. The list of frameworks used for different project types is available in the section: Framework set for project type

    Note that some of these frameworks are not editable, like the QuickStart ones, as the underlying automation processes rely on them.  If you do need to make a change to one of these QuickStart frameworks, then you can copy and edit the underlying code templates, then create a new framework based on your edited templates.

    Automation framework table column and button descriptions

    Column/button name



    The name of this template

     This icon shows the number of projects that use this template, if it is not present then no projects currently use the template. Click it to list the projects.  

    The project link will take you to the project details page. However you need to have the appropriate permissions to view those details.


    The coding language or technology used in the framework.

    Page Object

    This is a link to the Code Template Items list for the page objects.  These objects will be used in the automation code to access objects and actions.

    If a StepHandler has been defined for the framework, then the link for this will appear in this column as well.


    This is a link to the code template items for the test case code sections.  The automation code will be built up from this and access the page objects.


    Actions available to this template  (not all are available for all records)

    Edit the details for this record (for some records, the details can only be viewed).

    In the dialog box, the language and source control tabs have the same options as when creating a new Framework.  The execution tab will allow you to edit or create an execution for this framework.

    Delete this framework.

    This button allows you to add a new framework.  The steps for this are listed in the section adding a new framework

    Code Templates table

    This lists the available code templates.  These are used as a basis for a Framework.  Different frameworks could be linked to the same code templates.

    Code template table column and button descriptions

    Column/ button name

    Content/ action


    The name of the template item group.  This is a link to the list of code template items for the template.


    The following types of template group are available:


    These are the templates for creating the code to run your tests.


    These are the templates for interacting with the objects that are being tested.


    These are for exporting tests into an Excel file.  There are more details about this here.

    Note that when exported, the representation will be an excel file rather than a JSON file.


    These are templates for the UFT test tool.


    This set of templates is used for the gherkin/cucumber behaviour driven development test cases.


    The programming language for the template items.


    Actions available to this template (not all are available for all records)

    Edit the details for this template (displays a pop-up window).

    delete this template group

    import an update to the template (this should be a file)

    export the template as a file

    Toggle the search fields for the code templates

    This button allows you to add a new template group.  The steps for this are listed in the section adding a new template

    imports a new code template, from a file

    Code Template Items screen

    This is the list of individual code template items, these will be a mixture of template files and code snippets that will be added into template files, as needed. You can view the code for an item by selecting the item name.

    Note that some code items are editable, if they are then you will see a red x box and the following buttons (seen in the screenshot below) may be visible.

    Column/tab/button name


    Delete the selected code template.

    Appears if you make changes to an item, so you can save them.

    Shows the Code Template item pop up that allows you to add a new code template item from the list available for that language.

    Embedded Code

    Switch only visible for custom code functions. This option defines if the defined snippet should be inserted directly into a generated test script. If this is off, then the custom code function will be embedded using the definition from the Page Object template → FunctionCallTemplate. Or, if there is a return value, then the FunctionCallTemplateReturn template item.

    Code Template (tab)

    Tab showing the code for the template.

    Details (tab)

    Custom function name and description.

    Tab only visible for custom code functions.

    Parameters (tab)

    Custom function parameter list.

    Tab only visible for custom code functions.

    Return (tab)

    Custom function return value.

    Tab only visible for custom code functions.

    Code template item names

    This section gives an overview of the types of template that are present when you look at the code template items screen.

    Page objects

    These template are for interacting with the test objects (for example a web page or an API interface).

    There are the following main groups of items in this template group:





    This is the master template for the object, other templates will be added into this one, as needed.



    These specify a particular identifier for an object, there is one for each type of identifier available, for example: id and xpath.



    These specify a custom identifier for an object



    These code snippets carry out a specific action, like clicking a button or opening a URL.



    These code snippets carry out a specific custom actions



    These code snippets carry out specific API actions like POST and GET.


    Test suite

    These are the templates for creating the test cases, generally, they will interact with the page objects created using the previous templates.





    This is the master template for running the test cases, other templates will be added into this one, as needed.

    There is a DataDriven template as well for testing data-driven application.



    This is the template for a test case.

    There is a DataDriven template as well for testing data-driven application.



    Code snippet for data allocation.



    Code snippet used for querying retrieved results to access the required column.



    Code snippet to insert a function call.



    Code snippet to initialise a new object.



    Code snippet to parse data values from a data driven spreadsheet.


    Adding a new code template

    This describes the options available and the data you need to enter when creating a new code template (using the New Template button).

    It is likely that you will need to carry this before creating a new Framework.

    The advanced options




    Name for your template


    The following types of template are available:


    These are the templates for creating the code to run the tests.


    These are the templates for interacting with the objects that are being tested.


    These are for frameworks where the test data will be exported into Excel.

    Note that the template will only be created if a template file is specified.


    These are for Frameworks that will use the UFT testing tool.

    Note that the template will only be created if a template file is specified.


    This is used for setting up the gherkin/cucumber behaviour driven development test cases.


    The programming language for the template.

    Note, not available for Excel or UFT types.

    Template File

    This is required for Excel and UFT types and is only visible for those types.

    Copy from

    Use this option to create a new template copied from an existing one.

    Set to disabled to create a new one.

    Note that this is only visible if there are templates of the same type already present.

    Show advanced

    Shows the advanced options, listed below.

    File Extension

    This is used to override the default extension used for the language (for example .java .py).


    This is only available for the PageObject and StepHandler types. This will override the package outlined at the top of a Java page object collection. See an example Java page object collection below.

    Merge Code

    Note: only available for the TestCase type. This option defines if the generated test cases should be placed all within one file, or split into separate files.

    For example, in Java, typically you will have one file with X test cases within that file. For technologies like Cypress, each test case exists within it’s own file.


    Cancel the creation.


    Create the new template.

    Note that if this is successful you will see an alert: Success new template added.

    If it is not successful, then no alert will be seen.

    When creating a new template, if it is not based on an already existing template, then a minimum set of template items will be created and populated with code as a basis for you to edit.

    Adding a new framework

    The describes the options available when creating a new framework.

    Clone Framework

    This option is used to add a framework from a GitHub library.

    If manual is chosen for the Git Connector, then you need to specify the relevant GitHub credentials.



    Git Connector

    The list of available git connectors, choose the one that will have the Framework.

    Opens the Connectors list in a new tab, allowing you to add a new git connector.

    Git Username

    Username to create a manual Github connection.

    Only visible if the Git connector is set to Manual.

    Git Token

    Token to create a manual Github connection.

    Only visible if the Git connector is set to Manual.

    Automation Framework

    The type of framework.

    View repository

    Opens the Github library in a new tab.

    Repository Name

    Name of the repository containing the Framework.


    Go back to the previous screen (to choose Clone Framework or Customise).


    Create the framework.

    Customise (Advanced)

    This is a multi-step dialog to create a new Framework, based on code templates that will need to have been already set up.  Below are the screens to step through for setting up the framework.

    Specify Framework




    The Framework name.


    The coding language or technology used for the framework.

    Page Object

    Drop down list of the available code templates of type ‘PageObject’ for the selected language.

    Note that for certain Frameworks, you may set this to disabled, for example UFT or mainframe.

    Code Template

    Drop down list of the available code templates of type ‘TestCase’ for the selected language.


    Switch on to add a step handler for gherkin/cucumber behaviour driven development type.

    Step Handler

    Drop down list of the available code templates of type ‘StepHandler’ for the selected language.

    Note: only visible if Cucumber is enabled.


    Go back to the previous screen (to choose Clone Framework or Customise).


    Move to the next screen (Source Code Connection).


    Create the framework (not available on this screen).

    Specify the source code connection

    If the Git Connector has any value other than Disable, the further options will appear.



    Git Connector

    Github library to save test cases and page objects to when they are generated.

    Opens the Connectors list in a new tab, allowing you to add a new git connector.

    Page Object Location

    Location in the git library to store Page objects generated for test cases.

    Only visible if Git connector on this screen is not set to disabled and the page object is not disabled on previous screen.

    Test Location

    Location in the git library to store the test cases.

    Only visible if Git connector on this screen is not set to disabled.

    Select the directory from the connector resource.


    Go back to the previous screen (Specify Framework).


    Move to the next screen (Execution Settings).


    Create the framework (not available on this screen).

    Execution Settings

    These settings allow you to save the automation tests to your repository.  There are more details on automation execution in the articles Automation Execution Parameters Explained and Trigger Automation Execution from within Quality Modeller.

    Note that an execution (or additional ones) can be added later using the edit button for the Framework on the Framework table.



    Execute on Publish

    Executes the tests when they are published to the code repository.

    Execution Directory

    Root location for the framework to execute the tests from.  For example, for java this will be the location of the pom.xml file).

    Select the directory from the connector resource.

    Execution Command

    System command to execute the test.

    Execution Parameters

    The command line parameters required to execute the test.


    This button allows you to add a parameter that can be added to the execution parameters and can be set within the Model.


    Go back to the previous screen (to choose (Source Code Connection).


    Create the framework.

    Note that if this is successful you will see an alert: Success new framework added.

    If it is not successful, then no alert will be seen.

    How do I…?

    Configure the quickstart frameworks to run in my environment?

    You cannot configure them, but you can create copies.  Create copies of the relevant code templates using the Adding a new code template option. Next create a new framework, using the Customise option and choose the relevant Page Object and Code templates.  Then you will be able to edit the new framework and add/edit an execution on the execution tab.

    Change the automation framework

    This is not generally recommended, but it can be done on the Management → projects page, in the Settings section.


    Tag list

    Tags in the templates are replaced in the final code with the value of the tag, as described in the table below.  If you are creating templates from blank files then you will need to add these into your code.




    Index of the value required from the allocation object for the referenced parameter.


    Group of test names of the allocation to be consumed.


    Allocation pool name being used.


    Suite name of the allocation to be performed.


    Allocate tag. If any allocations are defined for the test case this will be replaced with the ‘AllocateTagTemplate’.


    Auto-generated value which refers to the corresponding allocation initialised within the ‘AllocateDataRowTemplate’.


    Function name.


    Parameter values to be embedded.


    Variable name.


    Return parameter variable name.


    Return object type.


    Object type to be initialised.


    Used to insert a comma into a list.


    Object Xpath.


    Description for documentation.


    Function name for documentation.


    Parameter description for documentation.


    Parameter name for documentation.


    Parameter type for documentation.






    Function name.


    Tags defined in the model.


    Xpath for iFrame (same as iframe_xpath).


    Xpath for iFrame.


    Module collection ID.


    Module GUID.


    Module name.


    Module URL.


    Module Object ID.


    Node GUID.


    Associated object identifier.


    Object variable name.


    Package name.


    object ID.


    Object name with release and project name.


    Parameter name.


    List of parameters.


    List of parameters, with type.


    List of parameter names (spaces replaced with _).


    List of parameter names .


    Parameter column name to be retrieved.


    Shadowroot list.


    Test suite name.


    Guid of the test case in .


    Name of the test case. This is the name of the path.


    Id of the associated test profile being exported.


    Id of the associated test suite being exported


    Page URL.


    Object Xpath.

    Region tag list

    Regions define areas in the template that will have the contents of other templates inserted.




    API call assertions.


    API call body.



    API call headers.


    API call parameters.



    //Region - GherkinTag

    Gherkin tag region (no end region tag used).

    // Region - Data Loader

    Data loader definition region.

    //EndRegion - Data Loader

    //Region - DocumentationParameter

    Documentation parameter region.

    //EndRegion - DocumentationParameter

    //Region - Allocate

    Region to embed any ‘AllocationDataRowTemplate’ tags to initialise any allocations performed within the test case.

    //EndRegion - Allocate

    //Region - Identifiers

    Associated object Identifiers region.

    //EndRegion - Identifiers

    //Region - MethodDocumentation

    Documentation method region.

    //EndRegion - MethodDocumentation

    //Region - Methods

    Object interaction method region.

    //EndRegion - Methods

    //Region - Testcases

    Test case definition region (from the TestCaseMethodTemplate).

    //EndRegion - Testcases

    //Region - Test Logic

    Region to embed the test logic for the test case.

    //EndRegion - Test Logic

    Framework set for project type

    You can choose a framework by selecting the type.

    Project type

    Framework set up

    Web Automation

    QuickStart Web Automation.

    Mobile Automation

    QuickStart Mobile Automation.

    API Automation

    QuickStart API Automation.

    Desktop Automation

    QuickStart Desktop.

    Mainframe Automation

    QuickStart Mainframe.

    Manual Testing

    No framework set.

    Enterprise Test Data

    Choose from the available Frameworks (or choose No Automation).