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    Article summary

    BPMN, or Business Process Model and Notation, stands as a significant standard in the business world, particularly renowned for the creation of elaborate process diagrams that are vital for business process modelling. It is a widely adopted resource in many organizations, with its usage particularly prevalent among business analysts and product owners who frequently employ it for modelling business requirements.

    Recognizing the extensive use of BPMN, Test Modeller has been designed to cater to these users by offering the capability to import existing BPMN models. This facilitates a seamless integration of pre-existing process diagrams into the Test Modeller environment. The feature not only ensures continuity in modelling practices but also contributes to time efficiency. Broadening its interoperability further, Test Modeller enables users to export models back to BPMN. This offers the opportunity to share and collaborate effectively with stakeholders who are more conversant with the BPMN format, thereby promoting a cohesive and interactive work environment.