Keyboard Shortcuts
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    Keyboard Shortcuts

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    Article summary

    We support many common keyboard shortcuts to make Modelling quick and easy! Please see a full list of supported shortcuts below:


    Shortcut KeyFunction/ActionCommon Use
    Ctrl + ASelect AllSelects all text or items in a document
    Ctrl + CCopyCopies of selected text or item
    Ctrl + FFindSearches for a specific word or phrase
    Ctrl + MMinimizeMinimizes the active window
    Ctrl + PPrintPrints the active document
    Ctrl + RRefreshReloads or updates the current page
    Ctrl + UUnderlineUnderlines selected text
    Ctrl + VPastePastes copied or cut text
    Ctrl + WCloseCloses the active window or application
    Ctrl + XCutRemoves and copies selected text or item
    Ctrl + YRedoRedoes the last undone action
    Ctrl + ZUndoUndoes the last action