In this demo, learn all about an additional view for inline editing of Subflow parameters in Quality Modeller.
To execute Inline Editing of Subflow Parameters, first open an existing master model in Quality Modeller, with the Subflows already embedded.
Master flow:
Embedded Subflow:
In the subflow navigate to the Test Data Variables menu by clicking the Variables button in the top left of the top menu bar.
In the Test Data Variables menu, you will find the variables, which are used as input parameters, associated with your model. In the demo model, we have a username and password, set as the input parameters.
You can edit the Data Variables by clicking the Cog button and editing the Test Data Variables, as shown below:
Returning to the master flow, right-click a node and open the Subflow Properties menu. Here you can again edit the input parameters.
You can also view the input parameters on the right-hand side menu. Each subflow node of the master flow will display the set input parameters. You can also edit the Subflow Parameters in line through this view as shown below.
Subflows are used to quickly embed and re-use models within a master model. Subflows hide detailed or complex modelling and make the master Flow more readable. They enable scalability by building out the complexity from smaller, more step-focussed Models, rather than building giant, complex, inflexible Flows.
Quality Modeller is Curiosity's flow-driven model-based tool which provides a range of accelerators and connectors for building flowcharts rapidly. Align all stakeholders to quality outcomes and create critical assets early, delivering superior software at speed.
Subflows are used to quickly embed and re-use models within a master model. Subflows hide detailed or complex modelling and make the master Flow more readable. They enable scalability by building out the complexity from smaller, more step-focussed Models, rather than building giant, complex, inflexible Flows.
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