Web Automation: Smart Locators Enabled by Default
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    Web Automation: Smart Locators Enabled by Default

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    Article summary

    This innovative addition is set to revolutionize how web automation frameworks identify and interact with web elements, offering unparalleled reliability.

    What are Smart Locators?

    Smart Locators are an advanced element identification method integrated into Test Modeller. They empower testers to navigate the often complex and dynamic nature of web applications with greater ease and precision. This feature iteratively searches for web elements using multiple locator strategies in a sequential manner, effectively running a loop over every defined locator until the element is successfully found.

    Key Benefits:

    • Enhanced Reliability: By cycling through a series of locators, Smart Locators drastically reduce test flakiness caused by changes in the web application's UI.
    • Time Efficiency: Automated selection of the optimal locator speeds up the test execution, as it minimizes the time spent on element not found errors.
    • Ease of Maintenance: The need to constantly update locators due to UI changes is significantly reduced, streamlining test maintenance efforts.
    • Flexibility: Smart Locators are adaptable to a wide range of web applications and can handle dynamic content and UI changes effectively.

    How It Works:

    When a test is executed, Smart Locators will initiate a search for the web element using the first locator strategy in the page object. If the element is not found, it automatically proceeds to the next locator in the sequence, and so forth, until the element is located or all locators are exhausted.

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