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    Article summary

    Bitbucket is a web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on code repositories using either Git or Mercurial version control systems. It offers features for source code management, including repositories, pull requests, code reviews, issue tracking, and more. Bitbucket is commonly used by software development teams to store, share, and manage their codebases securely in the cloud, making it a crucial part of many software development workflows.

    Test Modeller recognizes the vital role Bitbucket plays in these workflows and offers robust integration with it. The integration features a dedicated connector that is capable of both importing automation page objects from Bitbucket  and exporting generated automation code back to a Bitbucket   repository. This bidirectional exchange ensures that the testing process is fully integrated with the broader software development workflow.

    The import function streamlines the process of integrating existing page objects into Test Modeller's testing environment, saving time and effort. Simultaneously, the export function allows the automation code generated within Test Modeller to be stored and managed within the familiar Bitbucket  environment. This seamless integration not only enhances the efficiency of the test creation and management process but also ensures that the generated automation code is readily available for future development and testing efforts. In this way, Test Modeller's Bitbucket integration helps teams maintain continuity and consistency across their software development and testing processes.

    To learn more about connecting to Bitbucket, please refer to our documentation below. You will need the following information in order to configure the connection:

    • Username
    • Password
    • Git Repository
    • Branch

    Step 1 - Find your Atlassian user name

    To find your exact user name in the Atlassian platform, navigate to Personal Settings -> General -> Account Settings.


    This username will be entered in the Username field inside of Test Modeller.

    Step 2 - Enter Password

    This will be an App Password created in BitBucket. To configure a password, navigate to Personal Settings -> Access Management -> App Passwords.

    Step 3 - Enter Git Repository

    This URL will follow the format below:


    For example,


    Step 4 - Enter Branch

    By default, this will be set to master.