Viewing Journeys in Test Modeller
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    Viewing Journeys in Test Modeller

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    Article summary

    Watch the video of the full UI Recorder process above.

    Recorded journey sessions are accessible from the Test Modeller Workspace.

    To view journeys, log-in to Test Modeller and select the Models view. This will display the recorded journeys. The one below is a journey of a 'Create New Account Form' that is documented in Recording a Journey.If we open that up, we see we have a model representing the different routes:

    In this case, the route through the 'registration process' is linear. 

    If you select the left button in the Actions section, you will see a screen containing 'History' as one of it's tabs. 

    The "History" drop-down allows you to browse journeys at different points in the application history. 

    The "Refresh" button will display any activity recorded while Test Modeller is open. Recorded Journeys can also be deleted using the delete button (far right red button with 'x'):

    You can see that there were two journeys recorded – a positive one and a negative one.

    There are three views available for each journey, indicated with buttons in the Action column:

    In the Action column, the left button is for Activity View, the middle button is for Console View and the right button is for Message View.

    Activity View

    Viewing Activity  shows the actions recorded for a given journey, ordered by action.

    The Attributes tab displays the list of steps and allows you to edit information associated with a given activity step, including the URL, the description, object type, and time.  

    The interaction type can be edited, as can the data value entered. The code snippet displays the automation code that can execute a recorded action. The following example shows the information is captured when a user typed the username "huw" into a text box with Object ID "USER_NAME":

    Note that there are 4 tabs on the upper right part of the screen: Attributes, State, Image, History and Links.

    The State tab shows the State of the underlying application:

    The State tab displays the page state at the time of the interaction. It includes a copy of the page HTML, the Element HTML, the Element CSS, and any relevant and active cookies.

    The Image tab displays a screenshot of the moment when the action was recorded, and the “history” lets you browse the previous executions of the journey by date and time.

    The Links tab shows a record of the Link Type, Source, Location and Action.

    Going back to the main Test Modeller journey page, we can also see the blueprints and heatmaps displays.

    Blueprints display:

    Heatmaps display:

    For more details about each of these, see these sections:

    Inspecting Heatmaps in Test Modeller

    Inspecting an Application Blueprint Model in Test Modeller

    Console View

    The console activity panel displays any JavaScript errors or warnings that occurred during the most recent journey execution:

    The error exception and JavaScript call-stack are displayed with each console message.

    Message View

    Viewing message activity shows the requests and responses intercepted during the most recent journey execution. It includes all the metadata needed for effective service and message virtualization, as well as for automated testing across distributed systems and APIs.

    Click the message activity icon next to a journey in the Workspace to open the message activity panel. 

    Traffic is broken down by each request-response pair:

    In the request tab, the message traffic column displays requests ordered by row. It provides a quick display of the request method and type, and the URL.

    Clicking on a request allows you to view and edit the request data. This includes the request type, for instance "GET" or "POST", as well as the request type, such as XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) or requests made to the mainframe. The URL can further be edited, as can the request header and body.

    The response tab displays the corresponding response data:

    This includes the URL, timestamp, type, method, the status code, status line, body, header, and whether or not the response came from Cache.