TestRail Integration
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    TestRail Integration

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    Article summary

    Supercharge Your Testing with Seamless TestRail Integration!

    Unlock the full potential of your QA process with our new TestRail integration! Effortlessly sync your test management data, streamline workflows, and boost team productivity. Our integration allows you to export Modeller’s optimized test cases into Test Rail for comprehensive visibility into your testing pipeline, helping you deliver high-quality software faster.

    Setting up the TestRail Integration

    To set up your TestRail integration, first navigate from the main menu to Management Connectors. Choose Add Connection.

    In the Configure Connector menu in the Details tab, input the following details:

    • Connector Type: Test Rail
    • Profile Name: A unique name for your connection
    • Shared: Toggle this option to ON if you would like this connection to be visible to other members of your workspace. By default, it will be OFF

    In the Connection tab, input the following details:

    • Username: This is your username for TestRail
    • API Key: This is the API key generated by TestRail. You can generate API Keys in TestRail by going to My Settings → API Keys → Add Key
    • Base URL: Enter your TestRail instance’s base URL for your project. For example, our instance is https://csiltd.testrail.io
    • Project: To generate a list of available projects from TestRail, click on the Sync button. This will present a dropdown with all available projects
    • Suite: To generate a list of available suites from TestRail, click on the Sync button. This will present a dropdown with all available suites to export to

    In the Field Mappings tab, you can choose what data to export from Modeller to TestRail.

    • Attribute: This refers to the name of the field inside of TestRail that is automatically synchronized from your TestRail instance
    • Internal Name: This refers to the system name for a field inside of TestRail
    • Built In: When checked, this means that the field is required inside of TestRail, and will need to be given a value to export
    • Mapped Value: This is the value that will be exported from Modeller to TestRail. Please see our full documentation available in the section titled Mapped Values on this page

    Click Save to finish creating your connector.

    Mapped Values

    Mapped values can be a static value, mapped to a Modeller field, or chosen on export. The following fields in TestRail are available inside of Modeller:

    Field Type


    Sample Values


    A checkbox can be used to record boolean values (true/false or yes/no). 

    0 for False, 1 for True


    A Date field can be used to record a date value. 

    Date format must be in MM/DD/YYYY, such as 01/01/2001


    A Dropdown field can be used to present multiple choices. The user can then select one of the presented values. TestRail stores the selected value internally as a number. That is why you are asked to enter your values as number/option pairs when you configure a Dropdown custom field. You can change the order, add new options or delete options without affecting existing values because of this.

    A unique ID to pick one option. For example, in the dropdown values below, entering “2” would pick the second option with the value “Second” from the list:

    1, First

    2, Second

    3, Third


    Integer fields can be used to enter numbers. 



    The Milestone field is a dropdown box that contains all milestones of the current project as items.

    A unique ID that is an avaliable milestone

    The Milestone ID can be found in the URL of a Milestone. For example, the ID for this Milestone would be 7 for this URL: https://csiltd.testrail.io/index.php?/milestones/view/7


    A multi-select field can be used to store multiple, predefined values (e.g. a list of tags). Multi-select fields use the same configuration format as Dropdown fields (i.e. number/option pairs).

    One or more unique IDs. For example, in the dropdown values below, entering “1,2” would pick the first and second options with the value “First” and “Second” from the list:

    1, First

    2, Second

    3, Third


    The String field is a single-line text box that allows users to enter arbitrary text. This field is similar to the Text field.



    A Text field is a multi-line text box that allows users to enter text of arbitrary length. 

    “Multi-Line Text”

    Url (Link)

    The URL (Link) field can be used to store a web address. This can be both a public internet address or the address of a web page in a local intranet.



    The User field is a dropdown box that contains all user names of the TestRail installation.

    An existing user ID

    The User ID can be found in the URL of a user’s profile. For example, the ID would be 4 for this user: https://csiltd.testrail.io/index.php?/admin/users/edit/4

    Note: only admin users can access user IDs inside of TestRail

    Static value

    Any value that conforms to the parameters of a given field can be manually entered.


    To map the value to a Modeller field, click on the lock icon. This will transform the input field into a dropdown of available fields.

    Chosen on Export

    The value for a field can also be chosen at time of export. To enable this option. Click on the lock icon, and select the option Export Override.

    This will create a new field. This new field will contain a default value if it exists. Otherwise, it will be left empty.

    When exporting your test cases into TestRail, your field will be visible in the Custom Parameters tab. You can then enter in a value for your field before your tests are exported.

    Exporting Test Cases

    To export your test cases into TestRail, go to the Scenarios window in your model and click Export. Select the Test Cases option.

    Select your Connector Profile.

    To export to a new folder, enter the name of the folder you would like to create. To export into an existing folder, toggle the Edit Existing option to ON. This will provide a dropdown of existing folders inside of TestRail.

    Click Execute to export your test cases.

    When test cases are updated inside of Modeller, changes will be synchronized into TestRail within the same test case. If a test case path is deleted inside of your model, the corresponding test case in TestRail will be marked as [Archived] in their name.

    To view a TestRail test case that is associated with a test case in Modeller, click on the Link icon.

    This will open a window showing the TestRail test case ID as well as a hyperlink to take you to the test case.