Quality Modeller Maintenance

    Quality Modeller Maintenance

    Article summary

    1. Back up

    Backup The Prostgres Docker Database:

    Create a backup dump file:

    Use the script found in the package folder to create a backup dump file:  utils/backup-postgres.sh 

    Note: Using the script might require sudo privileges. The Quality Modeller environment needs to be up and running in order to use the script.

    Create a backup dump file and place it in package folder

    sudo ./utils/backup-postgres.sh

    Use -d option to create the backup dump file and place it in a different directory

    e.g. /opt/curiosity/backups

    sudo ./utils/backup-postgres.sh -d /opt/curiosity/backups

    Backup The Postgres Database if it Lives Outside Docker

    Open a new command window and enter the following command. Replace the parameters with your appropriate details:

    pg_dump -h -p -U -W backup_[date].sql

    Neo4J Backup

    Backup the Neo4j Docker Database

    Open a new command window and enter the following command. Replacing the parameters with your appropriate details.

    docker exec -t testmodeller_graph bin/neo4j stop

    docker exec -t testmodeller_graph bin/neo4j-admin dump –database=graph.db –to=- > neo4j_dump_date +%d%m-%Y""%H%M_%S.dump

    2. Restore

    Restore The Postgres Docker Database

    Restore from a backup dump file:

    Use the utils/restore-postgres.sh script found in the package folder to restore a backup dump file.

    Note: Using the script might require sudo privileges. The Quality Modeller environment needs to be down in order to use the script.

    Use -d option to point to the backup dump file that was created using the backup command (e.g. /opt/curiosity/backups/postgres_dump_0103-20231904_36.sql)

    sudo ./utils/restore-postgres.sh -d /opt/curiosity/backups/postgres_dump_0103-20231904_36.sql

    Use -l to also load the DB docker images first (if they haven't been loaded before via the run.sh command)

    sudo ./utils/restore-postgres.sh -d /opt/curiosity/backups/postgres_dump_0103-20231904_36.sql -l

    Restore The Postgres Database if it Lives Outside Docker

    Open a new command window and enter the following command. Replacing the parameters with your appropriate details.

    psql -h localhost -d -U -f -W

    Restore Neo4j

    Open a new command window and enter the following command. Replace the parameters with your appropriate details:

    bin/neo4j stop

    bin/neo4j-admin load –from=/backups/graph.db/2016-10-02.dump –database=graph.db –force 

    3. Change Database Password

    Change Postgres Password

    Change Postgres password in the corresponding docker container

    sudo docker exec -it testmodeller_db psql -U admin postgres
    alter user postgres with password 'new password';

    Change docker-compose file and restart services (docker-compose down, docker-compose up)

    Change environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD in postgres_db service 

    Change environment variable DATA_PASS in API service

    Change Neo4j Password

    Navigate to Neo4J machine – http://localhost:7474 and enter below command to change password

    :server change-password

    Change docker-compose file and restart services (docker-compose down, docker-compose up)

    Change environment variable NEO4J_AUTH in neo4j_db service 

    Change environment variable GRAPH_PASSWORD in api service