Executing the UI Model Builder
    • Dark

    Executing the UI Model Builder

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Note - This feature is still in beta and only available to customers / prospects on-demand.

    In this article, we'll detail how to use the exploratory bots capability in Test Modeller to explore a web application, and accelerate the model building process.

    To get started with the model builder, navigate to the model explorer window, and select the import option.

    Select 'UI Model Builder' from the import option menu. Next you can select the Initial URL to start the scan from, along with the Framework to generate the automation into.

    The Advanced Settings button can be used to see the advanced options. These are;

    • Iterations - the number of cycles to keep exploring on.
    • Max Scenarios - the maximum number of scenarios to search.

    We keep the default settings and click the Import button.

    A new tab will appear which starts the exploration bots job. This details the progress and steps of the job as it progresses, along with any error messages if they appear.

    As the bot builds the models, if there are input fields the job screen will display a popup asking the user for the fields to be input. E.g. below we are asked the data values to be input into the search field. This can be used to add positive and negative data scenarios.

    Once complete the user is asked to specify a goal to continue the bot exploration. This is the endpoints which have been created from the initial search.

    The user can click Cancel to end the search, or select one or more goals and hit submit to continue the exploration. Here we will press cancel and review the models created.

    To view the models, a new project will be created. Refresh the browser and find the corresponding timestamp in the project context dropdown.

    Within the project go to the Explorer screen. Here you will see the master model that has been created, along with the component models and automation module collections.

    When we open the master model we will see the model that has been created with all the sub-components embedded inside.

    We can expand a sub-component to view all the logic that has been created for a specific component along with a screenshot of the part of the web application it represents.

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