SmartBear Zephyr

    SmartBear Zephyr

    Article summary

    Zephyr for JIRA is a plugin that primarily serves as a test case management tool within the JIRA ecosystem. Its primary purpose is to provide test management capabilities directly inside JIRA. While it serves this specific purpose, its scope is largely confined to managing and organizing test cases.

    The integration of Quality Modeller, can greatly amplify the potential of the Zephyr for JIRA plugin. Quality Modeller is equipped with a unique connector that is capable of exporting tests directly to Zephyr for JIRA. This feature enables seamless transfer of tests from the model-based testing environment to Zephyr for JIRA, simplifying the test management process.

    Moreover, Quality Modeller also offers the extraordinary ability to reverse engineer models from existing test cases in Zephyr for JIRA. This functionality provides teams with the option to repurpose their existing test cases into a model-based testing paradigm, resulting in more accurate and efficient testing procedures. This integration between Quality Modeller and the Zephyr JIRA plugin helps usher in the transition towards a more robust model-based testing approach, significantly enhancing the potential of software testing processes.